Cabinet approves ISRO Technical Liaison Unit at Moscow |
Cabinet approves ISRO Technical Liaison Unit at Moscow
The Union Cabinet approved the setting up of ISRO Technical Liaison Unit in Moscow to enable effective technical coordination for timely interventions on diversified matters with Russia and other neighbouring countries.
The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has approved the setting up of ISRO Technical Liaison Unit (ITLU) in Moscow, Russia.
An average annual expenditure of about Rs. 1.50 crore per annum is anticipated to be incurred at ITLU in Moscow, Russia towards salary, office expenses, rent, taxes etc.
The ISRO Technical Liaison Unit (ITLU) at Moscow will enable effective technical coordination for timely interventions on diversified matters with Russia and neighbouring countries for realization of the programmatic targets of ISRO.
The ITLU Moscow office would be managed by an ISRO Scientist/Engineer designated as “Counsellor (Space)” on deputation, deputed from ISRO and supported by astaff locally sourced.
ISRO will be able to collaborate with Space agencies/industries in Russia and neighbouring countries for mutually synergistic outcomes.
ISRO’s Gaganyaan programme requires development of some of the key technologies and establishment of specialized facilities, which are essential to support life in space.
Department of Space has instituted technical Liaison Units, namely ISRO Technical Liaison Units (ITLU) at Washington, USA and Paris, France with the prime objective to liaise with various Government and space agencies in the USA and Europe, respectively.
Space cooperation has been one of the major links between India and Russia almost from the beginning of the space era and currently both sides are actively pursuing interactions in diversified areas of space programme.